By Skeatsy
United Kingdom
I have a buddlea davidii which I know I need to prune back by trimming last years growth back to within 2 inches of the old wood next month. The problem I have is that it wasn't pruned last year, so where should I prune back to?
22 Feb, 2011
Hmm, that's a good question! I'll admit that what I do (coming across many unpruned for years Buddleias) is take it back down to about 3 or 4 feet and keep my fingers crossed, but I usually only do that if I can see signs of growth lower down. Inspect the bottoms of the branches - if you see new leaflets emerging, you can cut back to there or maybe a couple of leaf joints higher up. If you're not sure, wait till late March to do it, give it more time to burst into growth.
22 Feb, 2011
I give mine a light tidy up at almost any time and then in early spring I cut them back to about 2 or 3 buds or growth points from the base.
22 Feb, 2011
That's great guys! Thank you so much for your advice.
22 Feb, 2011
I've found you can be as ruthless as you like - they're almost unkillable!
22 Feb, 2011
I tend to give mine a good trim in Autumn after they've flowered,in case the stems get broken in winds etc, then I give it a good hard cut back in early spring - maybe to a couple of feet, cutting back to a decent bud.
....but I'm no expert ..... :)
23 Feb, 2011
you can cut it hard back down to a foot high. it will resprout from the old wood too.
I have done this a few times in the past when I didnt get round to it the year before.
go for it :)
22 Feb, 2011