By Alextb
I was wondering if someone could identify the tree pictured below.
Thanks in advance

22 Feb, 2011
I will have to repost later, as there are no leaves currently. Thanks for the swift response.
22 Feb, 2011
Difficult from photo, but it looks like Hazel to me - they also have catkins on the trees at this time of year. A photo of the leaf in a month or so will tell the difference.
22 Feb, 2011
could also be birch.
22 Feb, 2011
Lots of possibilities, I will just have to repost when the leaves appear with a better view of the tree.
22 Feb, 2011
Hazel. Male catkins. If you look very closely at some of the unopened leaf buds, you should also see the tiny bright red female flowers (3mm). Worthy
23 Feb, 2011
Thanks Worthy.
23 Feb, 2011
Sorry Alex, perhaps I should have said Hazel instead of Corylus - they're the same, of course, but I tend to think in proper names rather than the common ones;-))
23 Feb, 2011
No worries Bamboo
23 Feb, 2011
Salix of some kind, or Corylus, need to see the whole thing to even guess which one, and preferably with some leaves.
22 Feb, 2011