By Louiseww
United Kingdom
I would really like to plant a daphne as I keep bees and noticed yesterday that they were busy on Daphne Bholua at Wakehurst Place. Our garden is on chalk with very little topsoil, but I do put a lot of organic matter into it. Is there a variety that I could buy that would tolerate these conditions, the ground can be very dry and is free draining.
Thank you
25 Feb, 2011
Thanks Bulbaholic, I will have to go shopping!
25 Feb, 2011
Be prepared for the high price of these shrubs!!
25 Feb, 2011
Hi Louise,
Most Daphne do prefer an alkaline soil - D. bholua being the main exception - so, as Bulbaholic says, your conditions should be ideal.
In addition to the species that he mentions I would also recommend D. pontica, a small species with powerfully fragrant pale yellow flowers that thrives in shade.
25 Feb, 2011
Daphnes seem to prefer a dryish, well drained soil that tends to be alkaline rather than acidic. So far, your soil sounds perfect.
Of the Daphnes that we grow D. mezereum makes a nice sized round bush and can have red or white flowers. For scent I love our D. cneorum which is a spreading shrub. In our garden it is at the top of a raised bed and cascades down the front wall. A smaller, white Daphne would be D. retusa which also has a super scent.
25 Feb, 2011