By Billybob71
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a Fatsia Japonica in my garden which has been there for the past 6yrs. It has never really "taken off" how i expected it to. It is planted out of direct sunlight, and is not directly exposed to the sun. In the summer time the leaves turn brown and crisp and fall off and then the plant is back to square one again. Any idea`s as to why this might be happening? Maybe i need to feed it, if so what with?
Thanks Billybob.
3 Mar, 2011
Also, is the soil deep enough for the roots? Or it may be planted on a clay soil with a hard pan below (solid clay that it can't get it's roots through). It may be best to dig it up and prepare a really nice hole for it with lots of homemade compost or similar and then replant it. It is normal for the leaves to go brown and fall one at a time. Even evergreens must renew their leaves at some time. Good luck with it.
3 Mar, 2011
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Sounds like a drought problem to me - these plants prefer a part shaded situation largely because they like soil that doesn't get bone dry, so if you're not watering in the summer during dry spells, that would explain it.
3 Mar, 2011