By Grelson
United Kingdom
Hi - I have a pittosporum (variegated species) bush - around 10ft tall which has lost all its leaves during the harsh winter. Is it likely to flourish again? Should I prune it now? Or is it simply time to dig it up?
3 Mar, 2011
This seems to be a common problem after the winter we've had. Just be patient and wait. Hopefully it will resprout and then you can trim off any dead bits back to the new growth.
3 Mar, 2011
I'd say wait as well and don't give up hope until the end of July. Sometimes a severe shock can make a plant wait a long time before it ventures new growth
3 Mar, 2011
Mine is the same. :-((
3 Mar, 2011
Mine too. Last year it lost about half of it's leaves and the rest fell off in the summer. It did regrow though from the top and I didn't have to cut any of it back. This year it is completely bare. If it doesn't regrow, it will make a nice host for the clematis and rose planted beside it. I would wait and see for sure! There is hope!
3 Mar, 2011
Mine is the same...half the leaves gone! Never had that before.:-(((
4 Mar, 2011
I might pot mine up - it's a small one and new last year. I've bought a Nandina domestica to fill the gap.
6 Mar, 2011
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No, recommend you wait - it may start showing new growth near the base, or further up, so wait till end of April at least if you can bear to. If it does start growing low down, remove the dead growth above it.
3 Mar, 2011