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United Kingdom

How can I remove traces of a previously laid path of crazy paving from my lawn. I removed all of the paving and had a top quality lawn laid by a professional company.I have a 2 year old turf laid lawn with three lines of brownish grass where the old path was. It soils my lawn. Thanks. Rita.



your going to have to get a piece of polythene to put the top layers of grass and cut them like a turf with a sharp spade .move this and cut down to the old path and dig it out realy . level it and re-lay your turf . try and get this done farely quickly and now ish . theres know easy way with this im afraid .

4 Mar, 2011


That would indicate something's been left behind and is affecting the grass - the only way is to re excavate where the brown areas are and see what's under there that may be causing the problem.

4 Mar, 2011


Could be crushed stone leveling, could be weed mat, could be some kind of chemical weed preventer--some sterilize the soil for years, though liberal applications of compost will ameliorate that.

5 Mar, 2011


great minds hay bamboo lol x .

8 Mar, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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