By Pammie0501
United Kingdom
Hi everyone. I am planning to have a good lot of herbs in toughs just outside my back door and wondered if things like coriander, basil and chives will survive outside or best left indoors.. I have got basil growing from seed and have some chive seed but not sure what the best combo of herbs will be useful in cooking and smell and look stunning... any ideas
6 Mar, 2011
ok and thanks Spritzhenry... fab dog by the way... i will plant the chive seeds in the morning...
6 Mar, 2011
You're welcome, and yes, he's lovely. That's Henry! :-)
6 Mar, 2011
Coriander can be treated much like parsley, but it is more sensitive to dry heat--it goes to seed and dies once daytime temps break 29º C.
7 Mar, 2011
Not a lot of chance of the in most of the UK then Tb.
7 Mar, 2011
Hello pammie, I grow chives, parsley, tyme and Rosemary all year round they are the main winter cooking ones. For the summer basil is great (last time mine bolted really quickly) chives and parsley great on buttered new potatoes. I've never tried coriander but I do grow fennel in my flower borders, that's great for fish. Lovage is great chopped for a relaxing foot bath, as is mint, but be warned, mint is a real spreader, as is lemon balm, that pops up all over the blooming place!
Happy herb growing.
7 Mar, 2011
Two herbs that I beleive do well outside are mint and rosemary. I recently bought a large Rosemary bush, and it is supposedly an evegreen, and looks and smells healthy.
Just a thought of 2 that should beO.K outside, well in london at least. Results may vary in certain countries and counties.
I agree, that Mint does like to pread, maybe I shoudl have planted mne in a container, and not in the garden. Oh well, too late now.
7 Mar, 2011
Well Moon_grower, I was just remembering the dry heat many parts of the UK was experiencing last summer.
9 Mar, 2011
Very, very rare for the temp to go above 29˚ TB
9 Mar, 2011
I would say, "You lucky dogs!", except I don't want to have to deal with the snow and ice (or cold rain) you deal with every winter. The upshot is that any weather that causes Parsley to go to seed, will make Coriander go to seed faster, and going to seed is more likely to be fatal to the plant--no problem if you are primarily using the seed, but a nuisance if you are trying to cook Mexican or Oriental.
14 Mar, 2011
I've got chives growing outside happily. Basil is a tender plant, so don't put that outside until all risk of frost is past. I don't know about Coriander, I'm afraid, but mint would be fine, so would thyme. Mint does run - so be careful not to plant it in the ground without a barrier!
6 Mar, 2011