By Lainey01
United Kingdom
Good Morning, what a lovely sunny day!
I have just completed a patio with built in flower beds in the walls.
I have a large corner area which is about 2.5ft across and the same deep. Has anyone any ideas what sort of flowering shrub I could plant. It has trellis behind it.
However it only really gets the sun in the height of the summer and I do like big bold flowers and bright colours.
Many thanks. You are all such a helpful bunch !
7 Mar, 2011
Welcome to GoY.
7 Mar, 2011
Honeysuckle would thrive in that light condition, they produce a wonderful scent and lovely, large flowers, but I am not a fan of them as they are more straggly than bushy.
Clematis would tick all the boxes and I think looks more graceful than Honeysuckle. They tend not to bush out but to grow is columns, so I would plant a few plants to create the effect you are looking for.
7 Mar, 2011
As its a small space, what about a Fuchsia, like Madame Cornelissen. Or use it as a container for summer bedding if you want real brightness in summer - fuchsias, busy lizzies, begonias, pansies and lobelia do fine in shadier spots, and you could replace them with winter bedding as the season changes.
7 Mar, 2011
Climbing rose?
Passion flower?
Climbing Jamsine?
Not sure what Positions the above need, but I named a few climbing shrubs with nice bold and bright flowers and nice scents.
7 Mar, 2011