Summer bulbs
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
Has anyone grown these bulbs? Any tips please? Are the Leucocorynes purple or pink - it makes a difference as to where I plant them! They were BOGOFs in Woolies, so a reasonable price.

7 Feb, 2008
Thank you. They will go nicely in my new purple/gold and white back border!
7 Feb, 2008
Will look forward to seeing them. And you are welcome :o )
7 Feb, 2008
hi spritz, i have some of the spider lillies (white ones) they looked fantastic last year, i bought mine from tesco in a BOGOF and just followed the instructions on the packet, can't remeber them off hand, but they are suposed to be fully hardy so i have'nt lifted them, although i think it will be too early to plant out just yet, i think i planted mine about march/april time. they are in semi shade, don't think they are fussy to soil type. good luck with them,
8 Feb, 2008
Hi Spritz
Not related to the question, but, I noticed you were doing a new border based on purple/gold, black and white. I have discovered a great website/supplier of marvelous reasonably priced plants and you get free gifts of more plants like 10 rudbekia just for placing an order! Delivery is very good as well, I use them all the time. It is J Parker Bulbs and the weblink is
Don't forget to copy and paste this time lol :)
I have seen some callas which are white and dark purple.
Happy browsing
Andrea x
10 Feb, 2008
I believe they are purple Spritz with brown centres.
7 Feb, 2008