By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
I planted lots of tulips when I moved into our new house and last year had a wonderful display, I thought they would come again this year, maybe even better but they seem to have vanished,all there remains of them is a few leaves coming up this time, did I do wrong leaving them in the ground?
9 Mar, 2011
It is too early - at the moment you're just seeing the leaves, but it has to be said, tulips should really be lifted and stored till the autumn once the leaves have died back in summer. In reality, none of us bother - you often find you get quite good flowering for a number of years, other times they peter out quite quickly. It's also important to feed them as the flowers fade, but the foliage is still present - feed weekly up to 6 weeks to improve any future flowering.
9 Mar, 2011
Agree with Moon_growe and Bamboo. Mine are coming up now, about an inch or so for those in the sun and an inch for those in shady areas. Same with other spring bulbs I planted last autumn, including some daff's and crocus, though the latter are coming showing buds now.
I did notice that in London that some have started to flower, but it is much milder in a large city like that - I worried at first that all my purchases had been wasted.
The later they grow the better they seem to flower, which is a condolence.
9 Mar, 2011
Most of our spring bulbs are in flower now and were covered with snow this morning, now thankfully gone again.
9 Mar, 2011
Our tulips here are showing, but I don't expect them to flower before early April.
9 Mar, 2011
We never lift ours, Bamboo, although we are generally growing the smaller, earlier flowering species tulips. I don't know if this makes a difference?
9 Mar, 2011
i never lift any of mine either early or late ones. they seem to go on getting better every year. I only have tips showing of my late ones and about 1" of the early ones.
glad the snow has gone BA and MG !
9 Mar, 2011
I never lift any of 'em, but the books tell you to - except for the early Kaufmannia/Greigii species ones, which are much shorter and are supposed to naturalize. That might be what you're growing Bulbaholic. In my London clay, I found even those ones disappeared - the taller hybrids seem to do better, despite not being lifted, but the display gets slightly worse each year, never as glorious as the first year. In the ground, anyway.
9 Mar, 2011
All my NEW tulips are still just foliage. According to the growing calendar, we will just have to wait a bit longer.
9 Mar, 2011
Well all you people are at least getting leaves. A wretched badger dug up all mine and ate the lot last year. He started again this spring so I put lots of chilli pepper around to give him a nasty surprise. I hope he doesn't get to like curry.
9 Mar, 2011
Thanks to everyone who took the trouble to reply!
10 Mar, 2011
It is too early to see any signs of growth from your tulip bulbs yet... give it until the end of March, early April.
9 Mar, 2011