By Leemark
United Kingdom
Hi Doctorbob1,
Thank-you so much for your reply.
If I used a ladder I would fall through my front lounge
I do fully apologize for the in-accurate message that I must have potrayed in my question.
I should have been a little more precise,and I again apologise for this.
The conifer that has grown a little too high was about 2ft
when planted.
It is now roughly 5ft.
I would like to keep it at a 3 to 4ft height.
Will I harm my conifer if I take any height off it?
Also if it is safe to reduce it,s height, do I just simply cut
across the top of it?
Kindest regards
On plant
9 Mar, 2011
You can usually cut conifers tops off without doing any damage. They will respond by growing out sideways and bringing the new branches together in the middle to carry on growing upwards. If yours is a vigorous variety keeping it small will be difficult as it will eventually get rather thick and not very attractive, but if it is one of the smaller varieties it should be fine for quite a long time. It does sound as though yours is a fairly tall growing one - but all you can do is try it and see really.
9 Mar, 2011
Hi Brenda & welcome. You'll find that you can add more info and other comments under your original question. If you do that it keeps all the information together and anyone who has already commented gets a message that there is more to read on your original question. It all just keeps the site tidy and the question and answers together neatly so that it doesn't just disintegrate into a jumble of unorganised "stuff". I hope Doctorbob finds this further information and can help.
All the best! :-)
9 Mar, 2011