By Feather0019
United States
I have an amaryills plant that is new and grew very quickly. It hasn't bloomed yet, but the leaves are turning yellow and they appear to be dying. What should I do?
9 Mar, 2011
Its unusual for the bulbs you buy not to flower the first year. However, all you can do is feed it for a few weeks and water about once a week while the leaves are still there. They do like a dormant period in summer when they should be kept absolutely dry - many gardeners turn the pot on its side to avoid accidental watering. Do this even if the leaves are still green, and allow them to wither and fall off. Overwinter it undisturbed in the pot in a frost free place. Bring it into a warmer spot in early Spring and start to water it again. If it is alive you should see either a flower bud if you are lucky or some leaves if it needs another year to build up its size. Don't repot unless you really have to as they resent disturbance.
9 Mar, 2011
That's what I'd do normally too - but if this one is 'Papilio', it's recommended that it should not have a dormant period. The bulb is very much smaller than a 'normal' Amaryllis, and it builds up over time.
10 Mar, 2011
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Normally the flower stems appear before the leaves. The one called 'Papilio' does get its leaves first sometimes and then if you keep feeding it and keeping it going, you might get flowers next year.
9 Mar, 2011