By Beattie
United Kingdom
Erythroniums. I planted a couple of Erythroniums last year - 'Yellow Pagoda' and 'White Beauty'. Both varieties have increased and are producing nice big clumps with plenty of flower buds. I'd like to spread these plants around and help them cover more ground. When should I split them please?
11 Mar, 2011
What a coincidence Owdboggy! Thank you for the quick reply. I found they disappeared completely some time during the summer and I couldn't find them, so I'll probably try and lift and split them before the leaves go totally.
11 Mar, 2011
I would prefer to mark the spot that they grow in, by laying a circle of twine round the clump, and lifting them later in summer. Pick a dry period! If you only planted them last year I am surprised that they need dividing already.
12 Mar, 2011
Bulbaholic, I was lying in bed this morning when I realised I should mark where they are and lift when truly dormant. :-) Thanks for the suggestion about how to mark them. Each little bulb that came up last year (I had one that vanished) has made at least three plants this year, and I want to increase them and their "patches" quickly as they're so gorgeous.
12 Mar, 2011
Definitely agree with your last three words,Beattie :-)
12 Mar, 2011
I'll be looking out for other varieties.
12 Mar, 2011
When the bulbs are dormant is best time, but you can move them in leaf if you can get the clumps up with as little disturbance as possible. Just returned from a lecture on the genus tonight!
11 Mar, 2011