Peas (sweet)
By Fifi
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I've planted out my peas as mentioned in my veg patch blog down to business. They are only about 2-3" high max ans have started to flower little white flowers 1 to each plant what do i do ? They don't seem big enough to start preducing peas yet! Help please.
23 Sep, 2008
Its not2late Fifi 2 plant some in2pots now & grow them on Indoors/Green house ready2plant out into your Veg Patch in Spring Nex yr then ul have them 4 Summer :)
23 Sep, 2008
I'm not going to swear but that silly lady in the garden centre told me to plant them out in veg patch and all would be well might just need to give them some pretection from frost she insisted. The plant plug pot said pea and had the Sweet in bracets do you really think they are done for i was really hoping that maybe i'd get some peas in few months when grown taller at least 6-10" this is based on sheer guess work and hope.
Weeding thanks for the tact and peep talk i'm just bit peeved with Garden centre lady if she wasn't sure or didn't know she should have said so.
Jackque thank you.
23 Sep, 2008
Would be a bit worried about the word "Sweet" when combined with pea. Sweet peas, the flowers, are poisonous or at least the seeds are. They can be sown now onwards and wouls survive most normal winters outside in much of Britiain.
If they are edible peas then agree, it is far too late in the season for them to do anything outdoors. They need bees to pollenate and there are not many around in the cold!
24 Sep, 2008
Fifi - I'd forgotten that you can actually plant sw peas in pots in autumn (or later in winter? it would b worth checking) bcos doing it that way, then planting outdoors next Spring may make for sturdier plants. So Jacque is right actually.
It's a bit strange though, what the G.C. lady told you is definitely not accurate, and also am intrigued by the labelling - do you have a latin name praps, so here can identify them as sw peas, not edible peas? When u say you were looking forward to peas soon do u mean ones to eat, or did u actually mean the flowers?
25 Sep, 2008
they were with the veg so i'm plumbing for eadable kind i think they seem to have come on a little but our weather although cold in morn and night warm in day and had dare i say it some sun. They do look judt like the flowering kind but with just the white flowers on them. i think i'm just going to have to leave them and see over next few weeks what do you think? Oh thats all the label said Peas (Sweet) just like that on a white dabber stick not helful i know.
Sorry i know i'm not being of much help with this one.
27 Sep, 2008
We have lift off there are pods on my peas lots of them i'm so pleased they seem to be doing really well now.
It answers the question they are def veg ones the pods are small but look healthy and green about an inch and the plats have shot up in few days over weekend but we have had more sun. Raining today but not too cold.
Fingers crossed. thanks everyone. I'll keep you posted.
30 Sep, 2008
Good for you! Maybe you will get some peas late in the year after all, if the weather stays mild. They'll miss the longer hours of daylight, that's the only thing, but worth a try!
2 Oct, 2008
Hello Fifi,
I think the only problem with this is that sweet peas want to be sown then planted out in the Spring, not this late in the season. Don't be too downhearted, and good luck with growing them next year!
23 Sep, 2008