By Colinb
United Kingdom
for the last 2 yrs i have gathered a small number of seeds fromDavidia involucrata. Sown without breaking open the seed pod in october 2 years ago in pots, which really means to all effects they were stratifed.I have had no growth whatsoever from any of the sown seeds. Any ideas as to the cause.
Colin B reply to
15 Mar, 2011
Davidia is notoriously long-winded in the germination dept! We have been sowing seeds of them for two years now at Standen and haven't had a sprout yet! Apparently, some were found to germinate after being thrown on the compost heap at another nursey! Don't give up, leave the trays/pots outside for the weather work on the seeds. They may sprout in a couple of years! I've chipped off the 'fruit' part of the seed, but not the ridged seed underneath. I've put grit on top of the trays to discourage moss.
15 Mar, 2011