United Kingdom
ihave two bottlebrush plants and both of them have turned brown and are dropping their leaves have i lost them and if not should i give them some chicken pellets
16 Mar, 2011
Most calistomons i have recently seen have completely been killed off due to the harsh weather, today having done many checks on all parts of a calistomon inc the roots i have found that all parts are dead, but leave a while longer and do some bark scratching to see if there are signs of life.
16 Mar, 2011
Some plants will regrow from the roots if all the top growth has been killed. I'm not sure if callistemons do this but when you think they may have to contend with bush fires in their native Australia, there is a chance they will do. The older/larger the plant, the better chance it has of survival
16 Mar, 2011
I'm afraid it will be the effects of frost on them. So many plants lost in the severe weather. Don't give up on them until the end of May, though - there could still be life in them. You could try feeding them - it might help if they are still alive.
16 Mar, 2011