By Safia50
United Kingdom
I want to grow grasses stipa tenussima and miscanthus sinensis
and flowers:anthemis tinctoria
achillea filipendulina 'cloth of gold'
echinacea purpurea
lythrum salacaria
Can i grow all these plants from seeds?
When should the seeds be sown, now/later?
And if i was growing from ready plant pots,
when should these be planted out.?
I am an absolute beginner and would like some good advice from experienced and knowledgeable gardeners.
with many thanks
eagerly awaiting answers.
best wishes
17 Mar, 2011
Depends what seeds you're able to get - some you'll find, some you won't, but all should have instructions as to when to sow on the packets.
As for pot grown specimens, all the ones you've listed can be planted out once you've bought them.
I note this is the second time you've asked this question - the two answers given previously were useful, but if none of the answers is suitable, perhaps you could make your question clearer.
17 Mar, 2011