By Meanie
United Kingdom
Hymenocallis festallis and Scadoxus multiflorum.
I bought some loose bulbs yesterday for the above. As they weren't cheap (£2 each) and having failed repeatedly with the Hymenocallis I'm asking for advice on planting and care for both plants.
The Hymenocallis bulbs are about 80mm round (far bigger than any that I've seen before) and the Scadoxus are approx 60mm round.
Advice on planting depth, potting mix and all other aspects of care would be appreciated.
On plant
19 Mar, 2011
Thank you Tug.....
I've tried before and failed. But these bulbs are huge compared to the others - a good two and a half inches plus in diameter.
25 Mar, 2011
That is pretty big! Hope they work better for you this time. : )
25 Mar, 2011
One of the Hymenocallis is putting out a flower head!
And two of the three Scadoxus bulbs have just started to produce shoots from the bulbs.
23 May, 2011
Excellent! : )
25 May, 2011
Hi, Meanie! I've grown Hymenoxys festalis before, so her's my experience from the desert. They like warmth, moisture, and some sun from spring through early fall, but they like to dry out in the winter. In the UK, I would be inclined to keep them in a pot, and bring them into the basement as soon as it gets cold enough to send them to sleep in the fall.
25 Mar, 2011