By Diganddig
United Kingdom
In our communal garden some 7 years ago a hedge of Red Robin Photonias were planted with Choisa at the front. Unfortunately they were planted a meter away from the adjacent south facing wall. The red Robins are about 1.5 meters high. Is there anyway the plants can be moved back closer to the wall thus creating a larger lawn at the front?
19 Mar, 2011
Plants that are established 7 years will be difficult to move and they might not settle back down again and die back.
The ultimate height and width of these plants is about 6-8' and that's why they would have been planted where they were - to allow them to fill out.
If you plant shrubs too close to a wall or fence they'll push through it.
Either that or you'll be forever hacking the poor thing back - creating loads of work for you (or the gardener) and creating an ugly looking plant.
19 Mar, 2011
Have you any pics Diganddig ?
19 Mar, 2011