By Boltardy
United Kingdom
hi all i have a small stone wall at the back of my pond about 18 inch high to is west facing so quite shady i would like to cover it with trailing flowers any ideas ( preferably hardy and evergreen )
19 Mar, 2011
Iberis sempervirens, campanula muralis, helianthemums all remain green all year, otherwise arabis albida, silene uniflora or silene 'Flore Pleno' - all of these really prefer full sun, but will be okay with sun all morning.
20 Mar, 2011
thanks just googled the plants some good choices
20 Mar, 2011
your welcome .
20 Mar, 2011
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« Plant IDs please some are guests others I think are gatecrashers. I'm letting...
creeping jenny is nice as it grows safley into the pond thow you plant it in the ground .
20 Mar, 2011