By Useless
United Kingdom
Eucalyptus and Rhododendroms
I have a eucalyptus about about 4 foot away from my rhododendroms. Would either plant be affected by this?
The rhoodendroms do not seem to be as healthy as last year. The eucalyptus I think is about 6 foot high.
20 Mar, 2011
I suspect the rhododendrons don't seem as healthy as last year because we've had an even worse winter this time round - eucalypts put down very deep roots (sometimes as far as the water table) so whilst its possible its using all the moisture, I doubt very much that's the explanation at this time of year for the condition the rhods are in.
20 Mar, 2011
As I've said in answering another rhodo question all ours are fine and in the wild they suffer far worse weather than we had in the north of Scotland. Friend of ours who has 60+ in his garden has not reported any loses or problems.
20 Mar, 2011
There's a question today elsewhere about a sad rhodo following the winter, Moon Grower, but really what I'm saying is the one thing we don't have right now, at this time of year, is a water shortage. I'd worry about the eucalyptus more because of its eventual size though - left unpruned, it'll get 55 feet reasonably quickly. But eucalypts are not especially draining of moisture in the soil because of their habit of putting down very deep roots.
20 Mar, 2011
Agree no shortage of water right now - stressed last summer? Growing medium not ideal...
20 Mar, 2011
Also, the Euc will provide some shade for the Rhodos. But if you want to move the Euc, do it sooner rather than later before it gets bigger.
20 Mar, 2011
Thank you all for your comments. It has reassured me.
21 Mar, 2011
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Hi Useless, did you plant the eucalyptus after you planted the rhodos? It will be taking up all the moisture in the ground as it has an extensive root structure. Your rhododendrons are possibly very thirsty. If you love your rhodos I'd move the eucalyptus.
20 Mar, 2011