By Scotkat
Did anyone else get the bargain in lidls Magnolia Stelata for £8.99?
21 Mar, 2011
Himself has forgotten we already have 'Stellata'!
21 Mar, 2011
:)And I bought nigrer last year from crocus plants so hope it flowers this year but it was dearer then Lidls.
How is your weather now Moongrower.
21 Mar, 2011
No but I saw this post on another site Lol ;-)
21 Mar, 2011
Weather okay apart from being very windy. We, just, missed the last dose of snow - had wet snow and heavy rain. A few miles inland they had a foot of the white stuff again. A friend was supposed to come up the day it all started again and got as far as Pitlochry where we sent him back home to Lamberton.
21 Mar, 2011
I bought the Magnolia 'Susan' from Lidl! What a bargain!
22 Mar, 2011
They never had the Susan Heidi but I am so thrilled with the one I got.
But if I come across another lidls that has Susan it will be in my garden :)
22 Mar, 2011
Now as Bulba has pointed out I need to find a place to plant!
22 Mar, 2011
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Not 'Stellata', Scotkat, but we bought 'Susan'. We don't particularly go for plants with split petals (or doubles).
21 Mar, 2011