By Flossy12
United Kingdom
Good afternoon everyone. I have just planted strawberries and herbs in respective planters. Should I bring them in at night or are they ok to be outside, even though there is the risk of frost? Sorry if this is an elementary question but, as you will appreciate, although a pensioner, I am new to this! Thanks in advance.
21 Mar, 2011
thank you so much for the very quick reply. Ther herbs which I have planted are chives, thyme, curled parsley, rosemary, garden mint and coriander.
21 Mar, 2011
Bring the coriander in. The others should be OK.
21 Mar, 2011
Flossy you say you've planted the herbs in a 'planter' is this a trough or one of those containers with several openings? If the latter the rosemary is going to get much too big.
21 Mar, 2011
Thanks Moon growe - yes, it is a planter with several openings. So should I remove the rosemary and re-plant on its own do you suggest? Sorry to be such a novice!
21 Mar, 2011
Flossy we all have to start somewhere, ye remove the rosemary and plant in the ground if at all possible. You'll need to watch the mint too or it will take over the whole planter. You could put marjoram in where you take out the rosemary.
22 Mar, 2011
Many thanks for the answers and advice - I am sure I will be back soon for further help.
22 Mar, 2011
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Strawberries should be OK, herbs - depends which ones.
21 Mar, 2011