By Denfrank
can anyone help I have a swarm of midgies fling around my front door, I have try lots of things to get rid of them but no luck. any ideas
Thanks Louise and Bamboo their is a drain pipe alongside the front door. looks like am stuck with the little pests.
22 Mar, 2011
I think they are attracted to damp areas or water - is there any stagnant or standing water nearby? This time of year, though, they tend to hang out in areas which are sunlit, same in autumn, but the presence of water nearby, specially stagnant water, means more of them.
22 Mar, 2011
We regularly get small clouds of them, don't seem to be a problem... I think thy just enjoy basking in the sun as we do.
22 Mar, 2011
The drainpipe in and of itself shouldn't be a problem, but it might mean that its broken somewhere, or that its blocked.
22 Mar, 2011
If the midgies like you and love bitting you,one thing that works to stop them bitting is
Skin so soft original dry oil body spray FROM the make's Avon
22 Mar, 2011
I use Skin So Soft and it works quite well. Better than some other insect repellents.
22 Mar, 2011
Did you know the military issues Skin so Soft as an insect repellant? Makes you wonder what is actually in it - given it is meant to be good for your skin!
22 Mar, 2011
I wonder if the makers know it 's used as a insect repellant
23 Mar, 2011
Oh yes Avon is well aware and promotes as such now...
23 Mar, 2011
They stay around my upstairs windows sometimes and it's often because the guttering needs clearing out - i don't know if they actually ARE attracted to wet areas but i know i can't do anything about the ones here - worse luck.
I've had them around for a couple of weeks now :-/
22 Mar, 2011