By Bernard
United Kingdom
This plant has appeared in many places in the woodland garden and I'm keen to know whether it is a weed or a plant I would cherish if I knew what it will eventually trun into. I'm a bit suspicious because this is its first appearance and the vigour of its growth and the way it spreads over the ground makes me wonder if it is a villain.
I'd welcome an identification from someone more knowledgeable than I.

25 Mar, 2011
it reminds me of one of the wild brassicas, but not sure which one.
25 Mar, 2011
Weed, get 'em out.
25 Mar, 2011
Weed! I can't make out the size of the thing - is it 6 inches across or only an inch? If big it could be ragwort, if small I think it's what I call mayweed.
25 Mar, 2011
if it is ragwort get it out quick if it flowers it is poisonous to horses. dont put it in your compost heap.
25 Mar, 2011
Don't panic!
DO put it in the compost heap Bernard! It's a good way of getting rid of it. I'm sure it's fine in the compost heap Kennyboy as it's nowhere near seeding and any possible toxins aren't present yet. It's only toxic to horses when it's dried out, and provided your composter isn't at the side of a field with horses in it they won't be able to reach it at the sweet, toxic stage.
25 Mar, 2011
Not Ragwort in any case. Cannot think of the name at present, but we get a lot of it. Dig it out before it gets big as the roots are hard to remove once they get large. Compost bin for the tops is ok, but not the roots or the flowering stems when they appear.
25 Mar, 2011
I agree it's not ragwort. and composting toxic plants doesnt put the toxins into the compost as the toxins get broken down too.
25 Mar, 2011
It must be 8in or so in diameter already!
25 Mar, 2011
Definitely a dig it out and compost...
25 Mar, 2011
Previous question
I think it is a weed, but I dont know the name of it.
25 Mar, 2011