United Kingdom
Every year I am seduced by the beautiful blue of the Gentiana flowers in some garden centre or another and each year they flower then die. Can anyone give me some advice on how I might change this cycle and perhaps see them flower the second year. thanks
2 Oct, 2008
most members of the the gentian family need lime free soil,I have a beauty gowing and aia just renew the top few inches every year
3 Oct, 2008
They need a rich lime free well draining but not dry soil in sun. If you can get it then the best growing medium is yak dung! If not then add plenty of well rotted manure to the ericaceous compost. Also they are rather greedy feeders so from when they begin to grow (IF) next season give them a feed with MiracleAcid or some such ericaceous feed according to the info on the packet.
Also they do need to be dug up and moved every now and then and the soil refreshed.
One good point is that they are not attractice to vine weevils!
Final pont it is the autumn flowering ones which hate lime, G. verna and acaulis do not mind it.
3 Oct, 2008
Welcome. Good question. I don't know the answer because I feel exactly the same as you and look forward to reading the answers to your question.
3 Oct, 2008