Sowing seeds verus planting baby shoots?!
By Kelf
United Kingdom
Hi there,
Another random question!
Im just looking at delphihnium & phlox as i would like to introduce some height into my garden next season. What the best to plant, seeds or cheat and buy pre grown. Actually what im probally trying to say is how easy is it to grow plants from seed?
3 Oct, 2008
As well as time for seeds you need space - greenhouse space or a spare light-flooded room. I get on fine with a couple of small plastic "greenhouses" that I zip up at night keeping my sown seeds tucked up cosily in their egg boxes, cut-down milk cartons and pierced yoghurt pots with the lucky ones germinating in proper custom-made seed trays. Like TT says, it gets you ahead of the game, and it's also very satisfying to know you did it all.
4 Oct, 2008
I agree with Nariz. We dont have a proper greenhouse and use a cold frame and a cheap zip-up greenhouse ( needs tying to a fence or something because they blow over in strong winds) and this year grew lots of foxgloves and hollyhocks from seed so phlox and delphiniums are definitely possible. As Nariz says , very satisfying when its successful and gives you so many plants to play with.
4 Oct, 2008
If you have time on your hands then seeds are great.
By planting cuttings or smaller plants you are obviously a head of the game by skipping the juvenile phase of plants produced by seed.
Hope this helps.
3 Oct, 2008