By Fife
United Kingdom
My lawn is being continually dug up by both badgers and squirrels. Is there anything I can treat the lawn with to prevent the food the badgers are looking for using my turf/soil as home?
27 Mar, 2011
I find they are worst for damaging grass in winter. When we had grass - it wasn't good enough to be called a lawn - it used to look like a scale model of The Somme by the end of the cold weather. All I've found to do is replace any divots you can find and reseed the worst patches.
27 Mar, 2011
i like it beatie . lets face it a badger is a jcb on legs realy . ive never been lucky enough to see one alive thow i live in the countrty side .
28 Mar, 2011
the badgers are after worms in your lawn so that wont be easy . id be tempted to set up a hide and watch them myself . maybe feeding them will keep them of your lawn . they love dog food .
27 Mar, 2011