By Discoqueen
United Kingdom
I had my garden installed by an excellent gardener when I moved into my house about 6 years ago. He planted some Chinese wisteria near a trellis fence but also very near some bamboo. The bamboo is really tall now. The wisteria was meant to train round the trellis fence. However I have noticed that it is now firmly wrapped around the bamboo in many places. The bamboo's leaves have started to thin out and the whole plants have started to not look as healthy. What can I do? Additionally the wisteria had never flowered. Thank you!
27 Mar, 2011
the problem is caused by your lack of attention to the wisteria - this is a fairly labour intensive plant in that it needs training and pruning - should be pruned in August, and again in winter, by mid February. If the wisteria is so far out of hand, then cut it all back, particularly if you think its not going to flower this year either. The bamboo isn't really the problem, it's the wisteria. Cut it back to the main stem, chop of the top of the mainstem at the height you want (say, the top of the trellis) and then rigorously remove any extra stems which come up from the base, so you have only one or two mainstems going straight up, then tie in the laterals (side branches) to the trellis. In august, shorten half the laterals down to 3 buds, and take off any excessively long growth on the other branches. Then in midwinter, shorten half again down to 3 buds
27 Mar, 2011
thats what i meant bamboo lol .
27 Mar, 2011
Thank you for your quick responses and advice! Great tips....
27 Mar, 2011
your welcome .
28 Mar, 2011
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thats unusual as bamboo is normaly tough as old boots . id say maybe a lack of water if it was later in the year . maybe cut your bamboo down to the ground and retrain your wisteria . it wont hurt the bamboo doing this unless theres something wrong anyway .
27 Mar, 2011