yew tree help
By Squirell
United Kingdom
what kind of hedging can i grow in soil where yew trees have been growing baring in mind i have tried to change the soil with no luck and everything i have planted so far has died, was wondering about round leaf holly would really appreciate some help thanks x
28 Mar, 2011
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Yew is a native British tree and I have seen it grow with Box, Holly and other shrubs and hedge plants in many places here and in the continent. I know Yew contains Taxol and Taxanes, but never seen dead zones around Yew trees apart from where the grass has been shaded out by its foliage.
A soil test to check acidity would be useful - Yew has a habit of making the soil more acidic with time. You can then treat the soil to be less acidic or plant acid -soil loving hedges.
Hawthorn and Blackthorn are quite forgiving hedge plants.
28 Mar, 2011