By Ladygardener
United Kingdom
Photinia (red Robin)
What is this black spot that is over my photinia??
what should I do with it??

28 Mar, 2011
I was told mine was blackspot by a gardener and it looked the same but I was listening to a gardening programme I they mentioned Photinia Leaf Spot. It is mentioned here at the bottom of the page:
I don't know how you tell the difference?
28 Mar, 2011
Pamsco, thank you very much for useful information. So those spots have to do with cold weather, nothing serious.
29 Mar, 2011
thank you to both of you very helpful
29 Mar, 2011
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« Dahlia's - i need urgent help from you all please. I planted 17 dahlia tubers...
I have it also on my leaves, usually after winter, then with warming and growing new leaves these spots disappear. So I thought it has to do with morning freeze. But maybe somebody knows better what it is.
28 Mar, 2011