By 3salkark
United Kingdom
my banana plant leaves our starting to turn yellow
5 Oct, 2008
it will allow the plant sun but no frost in its growing tip and being basicly a tropical plant keep the frost of the roots funnily enough without covering for me
5 Oct, 2008
I put chicken wire around mine, and stuff it with straw, i always move to a place with cover so it don't get to wet through the winter, but mine are still nice and green at the moment, i have usually have done it by now. maybe next weekend.
5 Oct, 2008
cool sounds good all much the same idear
5 Oct, 2008
All leaves have a lifespan, when will people get this basic fact about plants in general.
6 Oct, 2008
yes just like hair
6 Oct, 2008
its getting cold get electric tape and bind the leaves just above the crown and mulch the ground with straw eg in 5 years you wont need to as it will of hardend to our weather
5 Oct, 2008