I bought some seeds of Miss Wilmot's ghost from Chenies last Autumn
By Buckspiccy
United Kingdom
I bought some seeds of EryngiumMiss Wilmot's ghost from Chenies last Autumn, and did what I was told to and put them in the fridge for several weeks in the winter, before planting them late February . Nothing has appeared as yet-do I still wait? How long is the germination period? Any help please.
30 Mar, 2011
They will take longer than that to come up, I suspect. When they finally do, don't leave them too long before potting them on as they have a thick taproot that shouldn't be broken or bent round, so use deep pots.
30 Mar, 2011
mine took about 5 weeks to germinate last year.
30 Mar, 2011
I've not heard that before - I've always sown seed into pots or trays in a cold frame in autumn or winter and potted up/on till they're big enough to plant out.
30 Mar, 2011