By Suw
United Kingdom
my garden is full of bluebells - they come up in the lawn, in flowerbeds - all over - is there any way of getting rid of them. I've lived here over 20 years and every year I dig a load up only to find more coming back the following year. please help!
31 Mar, 2011
can i just say if they are english bluebells then pot them up and sell them,i grow stuff for 'the open gardens'charity and what may be a pain for you, others may want them,at least that way it makes the back breaking a bit easier to cope with.
31 Mar, 2011
Many thanks. I thought that might be the answer but hoped there was some miracle cure. I don't know if they are English bluebells. I can't tell the difference but if someone wants them I'm more than happy with that.
2 Apr, 2011
Previous question
Sorry to say it's a problem you just have to be really rigorous about, making sure when you dig them up that you get all the bulbs, bulblets and roots out. Backbreaking work, but its the only way. If you have any flowering, remove the flowered stems as they fade, or they form seed and spread even more.
31 Mar, 2011