By Julien
United Kingdom
Cucumber in pots.
I have just read an aticle in the RHS mag about growing cucumbers in pots, the wife wants to give it a go, so any sugestions advice would be most welcome, thanks Julien.
31 Mar, 2011
Thankyou plantmaiden much appreciated. julien
31 Mar, 2011
mine go into a 4litre pot soetimes sunk into the greenhouse soil other times not. water well and keep well ventilated.
31 Mar, 2011
Hi there, as seaburngirl says you need big pots and lots of water as they are very thirsty plants. I am trying an outdoor variety this year as well as mini variety in the green house. I have a tent of agricultural fleese over the green house ones to prevent sun scorch from direct sun light, they are climbers so they need to be tied to steaks. Check daily as the climbing variety can grow rapidly.
Home grown cucs are wonderfully refreshing, especially in a glass of pims!
Happy growing.
1 Apr, 2011
Thanks Seaburngirl and thechicken for you advice julien.
1 Apr, 2011
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i always grow my cucumbers in pots,i sow the seeds at the end of april and grow them in a cold greenhouse or sow outdoor ones,if no greenhouse.make sure you keep the water off the stems or they will rot,sink an upturned bottle with the bottom cut off, down the side of the pot and water into that,there a bit of pinching out to do and put a cane in so it can climb,but pot growing cucumbers is worth a go.
31 Mar, 2011