Water regime Suggestions!
By Plantgeek
United Kingdom
I have recently constructed a new glass house in my back garden and am not sure on what watering regime to use. I am growing a few types of Cordylines and want to avoid rotting the crown. Can anyone suggest a good system? I have attached a picture of how it currently looks. Thanks

7 Oct, 2008
You assume wrong, my back garden is quite big. Thanks for the information though, does anyone know of any irrigation suppliers that might be able to help? Capillary matting might be quite expensive for an area that size!
7 Oct, 2008
hi plantgeek, from your photo i take it you have a nursery too? thats some greenhouse....
8 Oct, 2008
I assume the photo was not your greenhouse!
Capillary matting is good as the plants draw up the moisture that they need from it. Keep the plants on the dry side over winter to prevent rotting. As long as you keep the plants frost free they should survive, damp is a bigger killer than cold, and dryer plants often survive better.
7 Oct, 2008