By Bikeydude
County Durham,
United Kingdom
my variagated dogwood has thrived wonderfully for a couple of years at the edge of a patio. this year it looks dead most of the leaves are shrivelled brown at the edges. I have cut away the majority of the plant and wonder if it is worth saving any or starting all over again.
2 Apr, 2011
As you describe "most" of the leaves being shrivelled, that would indicate there's still life in it. Certainly, the two gardens I have where this plant is present currently differ from one another slightly - one garden its in full leaf, the other its only just coming out, but having cut it, just wait and see what happens. Suggest you apply Growmore or Vitax Q4 at the base to encourage it.
2 Apr, 2011
thanks for replies so far
2 Apr, 2011
Previous question
My variegated one has only just come to life, it's a lot slower than the green one.
I think i'd wait for another month before taking further action, just to see if it's on a bit of a go-slow !
I noticed this morning that my variegated has AT LAST sent up 2 new stems, last year it was woefully slow and stunted but it seems to be settling now.
2 Apr, 2011