By Steragram
United Kingdom
Phacelia tanacetifolia
This has appeared in my garden, and very pretty it is. I think it must have come from spilled birdseed.I have read that some varieties of scorpion weed can cause contact dermatitis, and wondered if any of you know whether this one does? Sorry the pic's rather dark.

3 Apr, 2011
Thank you Moon grower.It makes a very pretty border plant and self seeds easily, so I'll just wait and see if I come out in a horrible rash! I'm hoping that its another variety that causes the problem.
3 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« Hi I'm having my patio garden revamped soon, and am having 2 4ft sq planters...
I only know of using it as a green manure... never heard of a skin problem with it.
3 Apr, 2011