By Magicmagpie
United Kingdom
How do you divide an aquiliga
3 Apr, 2011
That's weird Julien! I thought you couldn't divide aquilegia. It sounds to me as if you're describing how to separate overcrowded plantlets. I don't think you could split a single plant as it has just one crown. They grow really easily from seed though, provided it's fresh.
3 Apr, 2011
I agree with Beattie. Aquilegias normally form a tap root, and cannot be divided, though crowded seedlings can be separated. Easier to just grow more from fresh seed.
4 Apr, 2011
If the one you have has flowered in your garden, in all probability you will soon have lots of seedlings popping up all over the place.
4 Apr, 2011
Agree with Beattie, I don't divide them, but on plants more than 3 years old, you could risk it - but it is a risk, you have to split the tap root and they don't always survive the process. As Scotsgran says, they seed easily, so keep an eye out in the borders for the seedlings, although if you have a special hybrid, the seedlings may not come true to that.
4 Apr, 2011
You are right Bamboo but the joy is finding colours you know you did not plant. I tend to let most of my self sown seedlings flower before deciding whether they are being kept or consigned to a charity shop or fete. I only compost the very frail plants.
4 Apr, 2011
So easy, just dig down a little between the clump and prise out carefully, and plant out and water well, spent all day friday doing this and transfering to my allotment, you will find that the roots are quite thickish and forked like, but like i say very easy to do.julien
3 Apr, 2011