By Iwona
United Kingdom
I am looking for low (10 - 15 cm height) spreading, bedding plant that will grow and bloom over and over again every year to be planted on flat approximately 10square meters field. Any ideas?
6 Apr, 2011
Or perennial geraniums like the macrorrhizum group
6 Apr, 2011
I would suggest one or two of the very vigorous perennial geraniujms too. I have one that seeds itself liberally and spreads itself widely too.Bit of a thug really, but useful where have it. I wish I knew what variety it is. Anybody got any suggestions for a bright purply pink thug?
6 Apr, 2011
Bedding plants only grow the once, iwona, and then die in the winter. What you are needing is ground cover perennials such as aubretia or dianthus.
6 Apr, 2011