By Sunrose
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what this plant is called? I found it growing behind my bay leaf must have been planted by the previous owner of my garden. I only spotted it as it has begun to flower! The leaves are spikey like a holly bush, but not as thick. Thank you! :-)

6 Apr, 2011
Thank you for your help!
Oh No!!!! I had one of those once but it was massive and the leaves were a nightmare to pick up when dry, they prick right through your gardening gloves! It is only 3 inches high at the moment, so I will probably offer it to one of my neighbours....although if I remember correctly the go-away-birds loved the purple berries! (I used to eat them too...very sour!) XD
6 Apr, 2011
Why do some mahonia flower so much later than others? I thought that they were a spring flowering shrub, mainly based on one that we regularly see on the w/e of the Edinburgh show ie last w/e. Then I found them flowering here, including our own, in November.
6 Apr, 2011
now I thought there were different ones to flower at different times like Viburnums. I have Lionel Fortescue and I think it flowers very late spring.
6 Apr, 2011
I have Charity and it flowers late November to January, weather permitting. This one might be aquifolia and if so it doesn't get nearly as big as some of the others.
6 Apr, 2011
The blue berries with a bloom are edible. and taste nice too.
7 Apr, 2011
They make great jam, if you so inclined. Probeer.
10 May, 2011
That medeario is a Mahonia. Rather a nicely scented normally winter flowering shrub.
6 Apr, 2011