By Jolizzie77
United Kingdom
We have a choisya in our garden that is very well established and has always been very happy. However after the recent bad winter it has a lot of dead looking leaves on the top. Do I cut that dead back and if so when? This plant is very special to my husband and I want to do my best to save it, all help appreciated.
6 Apr, 2011
I'm not sure which type it is as it was already in the garden when I met my husband, but thanks for the advice, I was thinking that may be the answer. Thanks again.
7 Apr, 2011
Hello joelizzie, is Choisya ternata sundace? i think you may be ok, but would leave a while longer before trimming back just in case we get another cold snap, it should put some new growth up soon but be a little patient, i was looking at one today that has been affected by the frost and new growth is starting to break through further down, however there are some that look completely gone that i have seen on my travels, but yours may be ok just wait a little longer.possibly slightly trim early may. julien
6 Apr, 2011