Ruby wedding plant
United Kingdom
I would like to buy a garden plant or tree for my parents' ruby wedding. They have a slightly acidic but reasonably well drained soil and an east facing garden, but which is large enough to get sun all day. Something that flowers in mid April would be ideal, but that looks good all year. Many thanks.
8 Apr, 2011
camellia come in lovely ruby shades and is evergreen. prune to keep it to size.
8 Apr, 2011
I think I'd go with a rhododendron there are some superb red coloured ones and again you have all year round leaf.
8 Apr, 2011
You could create a 'Ruby Border' and plant various ruby coloured plants of all types !
I have various colour dedicated borders here and i think they work well !!!
8 Apr, 2011
If you decide on a rhododendron, there is one called 'Everred' that not only has red flowers but also purple foliage (I've posted a photo of it a couple of days ago). You would probably need to buy it mail order from Glendoick Nursery in Scotland
8 Apr, 2011
I recommend Camellia, there are some superb ones in the GC at the moment and because they are in flower at the moment you can choose the right one.
8 Apr, 2011
Howz about a weigela - Bristol ruby. It grows to about 5', is fully hardy, needs little attention and seems to flower most of the summer.
9 Apr, 2011
Sheila, Wonderland is asking for something that flowers mid April...
10 Apr, 2011
Not to mention that both Camellia and Rhododendron prefer a bit of shade...
10 Apr, 2011
True Bamboo, though some of our rhodos. are in what passes for full sun in this part of Scotland
10 Apr, 2011
Not sure it counts up there, MG, lol;-)))
10 Apr, 2011
It does today... much too warm for April at 20˚. My concern is that it wont last and the way all the plants are coming on if we get a heavy frost a lot will be damaged.
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks for all your suggestions. Will take a look at them. One more thing. It might be necessary to move the plant at some point in the future. I assume that would affect my choice?
10 Apr, 2011
Depends how far in the future, none of the shrubs suggested will move happily after five+ years.
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks Moongrower. Think any move would be much sooner or not at all, so no major problem. I may also look into a large container version in order to get around the potential move problem.
10 Apr, 2011
Wonderland, Camellias do well in a large pot, planted in ericacious compost.
11 Apr, 2011
In a pot, I'd go for a variegated Pieris - look good all year round, flowers in spring, bright red new leaf growth. Need ericaceous compost.
11 Apr, 2011
Amelanchier lamarckii - multi stemmed large shrub, gets (eventually) about 30 feet, so tree like, deciduous, blossom in spring, purple tinted new leaves, turning green, good autumn yellow/red colours before leaves fall. Often striking in winter with its 3 or 4 trunks - look good limned with snow or frost. If that's too large, there's a smaller version - Amelanchier 'Ballerina'
8 Apr, 2011