By Pond_lady
United Kingdom
how do I plant and care for nymphoides pelata?
8 Apr, 2011
We (unfortunately) have Nymphoides pelata in our main pond, it arrived as a tiny piece embedded within a Nymphaea water lily.
It is the most invasive aquatic plant I have ever come across and smothers pretty much everything, bocking out light to the water in the process. We have spend countless hours and days trying to control it, but with no real success. It creates endless runners from which it roots and spreads...I've seen it smother whole lakes too, so, in short, I would not recommend introducing it to a pond of any size!
8 Apr, 2011
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this is a native species so can tolerat water depth from about2-4ft deep. they need still water so away from a pump system. they are yellow flowered and grow freely. I love them but my pond is too small sadly.
8 Apr, 2011