By Lizbone
Deux Sevres,
I live in France and our area is very cold at times in winter bnut summer is hot 35degrees at times. I have a small nectarine tree which has a number of small branches all dead but one which has leaves on. what advice should i cut the dead twigs back, dig it up and start again or wait and see if things improve.
8 Apr, 2011
We have a maison secondaire in the rural limousin and the summers can get realy hot, and the winters can be incredibly cold, it was-10 in our kitchen one day last winter, lol, some of the locals have these in large pots, but protect them in polytunnels and wrap loosely with fleece.
8 Apr, 2011
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This is one of those plants that will appreciate the warmth of your summers, but is best kept in a pot so you can move it somewhere frost free for the winter. If its still alive, then cut it back to where there's growth and keep your fingers crossed, as well as giving it a feed and good water. Or dig it up and put it in a pot in good potting compost.
8 Apr, 2011