By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Dicentra ID please.
I bought this last year with just the label saying dicentra.
Can anyone identify the species and even variety? I'd be everso grateful.

9 Apr, 2011
I think SBG wants the Latin name Tengered - and I've mentioned before that that phrase sounds rude. If you're tuned to Cockney English, anyway.
My guess would be Dicentra eximia, variety unknown, but the exact difference between that and D. formosa is lost on me.
9 Apr, 2011
Isn't it a little beauty? Never seen that one before, but it looks like one in my book called Dicentra formosa "Aurora".
9 Apr, 2011
It looks very similar to the one I have growing
Dicentra 'Pearl Drops'
10 Apr, 2011
thanks tengered, I was after the botanical name as Beattie says. The suggestions are something for me to look into, thanks.
it is a pretty thing. Its foliage is aslo similar to another one that i have. D. cuccularia [i think with out looking it up]
10 Apr, 2011
Yes its the Dicentra Aurora. I have the Spectabilis Alba (white bleeding heart) and the red ones in my garden. They are beautiful elegant plants. Enjoy
13 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« There seems to be a "plant growth" happening in the pond that had new lining...
white bleeding heart
9 Apr, 2011