By Anndavies
United Kingdom
Does anyone know why the leaves on my Camellia plant are curling and it has yet to flower (this is it's second year).

9 Apr, 2011
From what I can see of the pot I'd say it was far too small... as Bamboo says repot, even better, if possible, plant in the ground - it will be much easier to look after!
9 Apr, 2011
thanks bamboo, moon growe i cant put in the ground ,the landlord will not let me, i will try to repot it would it be best to leave it till september- october or before spring next year?
9 Apr, 2011
i had a camelia two years ago that looked worse than yours and i was advised to water well through winter and feed with a camelia feed and last year it produced the best blooms i can not comment on this year yet as it still seems to be "asleep" (also tomato feed very good)
9 Apr, 2011
Is it planted in the correct soil conditions? It requires ericaceous compost to grow as it should.
9 Apr, 2011
thanks primoseka thats give me hope and i will try that
9 Apr, 2011
thanks andrea i did plant it in ericaceous compost
9 Apr, 2011
You need to repot now or it is likely you wont have a camellia to repot in autumn. By the way Primrose tomato feed is not good for any camellias.
10 Apr, 2011
Well, I'm just going to reiterate what Moon Grower has said - don't use tomato food, and do repot now. You can buy specialist Camellia feeds, but if you repot into fresh compost, that will have sufficient feed in it for about 4 weeks - and after that, a shot of perfectly ordinary Miracle Gro general purpose, or a handful of Growmore granules into the top of the compost will be perfectly adequate. This plant needs a balanced feed, and tomato food is high potash which is just for flower production - Camellia is an evergreen and needs as much food for its leaves and roots and stems as it does for flowering, so balanced is the way to go.
10 Apr, 2011
thanks moon growe/ bamboo i will try to get a big pot not easy when i have to go by bus ,homebase wanted £20 for delivery, had to wait for brother to come from mid wales which is about twice a year
10 Apr, 2011
You risk losing the camellia if you don't repot very soon Ann. The size of pot you need in plastic is not to heavy for you to take on a bus.
10 Apr, 2011
thanks moon growe ,i stood looking at it and thought ,i watered them 2--3 days ago and added phostrogen all purpose plant food 1/4 of the scoop to 4 ltrs water could that have done it?
11 Apr, 2011
No - as long as you diluted according to the instructions, and the Phostrogen was general purpose, it will have done nothing but good.
11 Apr, 2011
thanks bamboo,moon growe i will try to get a big pot but funds are low just now, the big pot that i repotted the bush rose in cost £25-00
11 Apr, 2011
Ann that sounds very expensive - where are you buying?
11 Apr, 2011
If the pot isn't plastic, that's why its expensive - I just bought a 2 feet deep 12 inch wide plastic one for £12 in Wilkinsons - it looks like dark grey stone from a distance.
12 Apr, 2011
i bought it from homebase moon growe and the pot is plastic bamboo, im not very good at measurments but i got it to 5cmdepth and6cm width
12 Apr, 2011
ive got that wrong its just over 19.5 deep nearly24inch across ,so my daughter says unless shes as bad as me!lol
12 Apr, 2011
Previous question
« This is my Clematis general sikorski something is eating it and I don't know...
I can't tell what size pot it's in, but is it possible it needs putting into a larger one? check its not rootbound by turning out of the pot.
9 Apr, 2011