By Annelise
United Kingdom
Can Hedgehogs harm lawns? A month ago I noticed hundreds of small holes in parts of our lawn. A gardener told me they were made by Hedgehogs. Now in those particular parts of the lawn it has turned all straw like and sparse. We have never had problems like this before. I don't whether to replace it with turf/seed it?
9 Apr, 2011
If its leatherjacket infestation, there are treatments available, one Nemesys one and Provado now make a treatment for lawns for this - but I believe both should be applied in the autumn. Check the products available for instructions. And it might not be hedgehogs - birds will destroy a patch of turf by pecking at it to get at the grubs, both leatherjackets and chafer grubs.
10 Apr, 2011
True Bamboo, could also be birds.
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks for that info guys- We have had a lot of birds pecking away recently!
Got the 'Greenthumb' man that treats our lawn coming to have a look next week.
13 Apr, 2011
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Hedgehogs do dig for leather jackets and other grubs in the lawn the real problem isn't the hedgehogs but the grubs which are damaging the roots of your grass and causing it to like thin and straw like. Solve that problem and there will be nothing for the hedgehogs to dig up.
10 Apr, 2011