By Grasshopper
United Kingdom
Hi! I have 2 Honey Berry Plants (male & female). The female plant has been flowering but no sign of the male doing likewise. Should they both flower at the same time for polination? Hoping for any useful comments on growing Honeyberries. Many thanks. Grasshopper.
11 Apr, 2011
Many Thanks Iilex. Guess I will have to be patiant.
11 Apr, 2011
Hi Grasshopper,
Lonicera caerulea (a species of Honeysuckle) is not self-fertile, which is why you need the two (or more) plants for successful pollination, and yes, in order for fruit to be set they do need to flower at the same time, with pollen being transferred from one to the other by insects.
Assuming your two plants are growing together and in similar/identical conditions then they may simply be too young to flower successfully, so, hopefully you'll have them both flowering together next season and will get some fruit set as a result. All fruiting/berrying plants need a certain amount of maturity before they become productive in flower and therefore in fruit.
11 Apr, 2011