By Lincogreen
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i've got a south facing bank under trees. The soil is very dry and shallow due to th etree roots. Can anyone suggest any flowers or plants that may grow there?
11 Apr, 2011
What about bulbs in pots, always makes such a nice display. Pots I mean, one can really pot just about anything, and with the right care voila!
11 Apr, 2011
Ivy, Euphorbia amygdaloides and Lamium galeobdolon all manage in those conditions. Bluebells too.
11 Apr, 2011
Thank you that's great advice
12 Apr, 2011
About the only two I can think of are Hypericum calycinum and Lamium maculatum - all will need watering until they establish though.
11 Apr, 2011